Bare Essentials - Erica Madrid - Nude Parkour in Bangkok

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Trumph Donalds - March 11 2025

Derek - November 27 2019

Congratulations to Erica and Jason both, these photos turned out amazing! I hate that you both caught some slack from your followers about it; those uptight, sheltered conservatives… These photos were definitely done with class, and would make a great motivational poster or a calendar like the Stone Nudes used to be for climbing. The human body is beautiful, especially in motion and you both captured it wonderfully. The photo of Erica hand standing on the edge of the building is my favorite and most intimidating!

Ragdoll - November 22 2018

So Jason have seen Erica naked
And one could spit her naked in a few of these photos😶😶

penisberger - November 04 2018

hahaha haha

Jules - November 03 2018

I always had the naked parkour idea, it would be so fun to go doing flips with your shlong going like “HELL YEAH”, we could even come up with new tricks ideas such as Side helicoptero and so on .. Jokes aside I would totally do a nudist parkour session in a nudist beach or camping, not to peak or laugh at other peoples but for the surealistic aspect of the situation.
Like imagine it becomes a thing, Imagine going from a point A to B as fast as possible whilst NAKED.

Andrew Obenreder - September 25 2018


Parkour is a discipline that utilizes natural human movement within the confines of our adopted/adapted environment. We weren’t born wearing clothes either, we adopted their usage. This is nothing more than bringing more of the natural self into the confines of our movement, or more so, the movment and natural self into fine art photography related to our practice.

Dagan Shaw - September 25 2018

This work really captures the value of parkour for me. That we can be strong and effective with nothing but our own bodies. Other sports require equipment, tools, uniforms. Parkour is just us, just our bodies. You managed to express that artistically and beautifully without having to use any words. Impressive work, both of you. I’m really glad to see our sport represented with sophistication and class.

Rishabh Purohit - September 24 2018

Wow, this is was absolutely amazing and utterly thought provoking aswell. Everyone will have a unique perception about the blog, and that’s the beauty of it. The amalgamation of the human body’s natural state of existense and the concrete jungle in its predominant form despite being a huge part of our lives, stupefyingly inarticulating. This was a wonderful Idea, Kudos to you Jason and Erica. Go Farang!

Dakisemuts - September 24 2018

Thats was amazing

john - September 24 2018

why do you have to bring nude into parkour

pete - September 24 2018

Could be in an exhibit

Alexis - September 24 2018

parkour is a beautiful discipline, combined with the natural method of the naturalness of the naked body … perfect combination
Enjoy what you do

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